Photograph copyright Earth Boring Company Limited

Auger Boring - Frequently Asked Questions

Auger Boring or jack and bore is perhaps that most recognizable and most common trenchless application. It is generally well understood, and when good design and responsible contracting combine, the success rate is very high. Need a visual to help round out your understanding? Check out our Auger Boring Gallery.

What is Auger Boring?

Auger boring, often referred to as 'jack and bore', is a method of installation that simultaneously ‘jacks’ casing while rotating helical augers within the casing removes spoil. A cutting head is attached to the 'lead' auger and can protrude just ahead, sit flush, or sit within the casing depending on the job requirements.  Hydraulic jacks located on the bore machine in the sending shaft provide the thrust that push the casing thought the ground. The rotating augers carry the spoil to the back of the casing pipe for removal by muck bucket, excavator or conveyor. 

What are considerations for Auger Bore design?

The key to any successful trenchless project is a well founded understanding of the soils conditions. A good geo-technical report is a great resource in the design of an auger bore project. Additional considerations that must be made are carrier pipe type, project type (on-grade vs. pressure pipe), length of installation and work right of way.

What are alternatives to Auger Boring?

Auger Boring is a familiar and common trenchless method. Sometimes ground conditions present such a problem that this method is not suited. Typically, wet running or high frequency boulders preclude the selection of this method. Other solutions such as Pipe Ramming or Directional Drilling can be suitably applied.

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