Photograph copyright Earth Boring Company Limited

Pipe Ramming - Frequently Asked Questions

Pipe ramming is quickly becoming the installation method of choice for the toughest Type 3, Type 4 and cobble filled soils. Pipe ramming is a method for installing steel casings utilizing the energy from a percussion hammer attached to the end of the pipe. Need a visual to help round out your understanding? Check out our Pipe Ramming Gallery.

What is Pipe Ramming?

Pipe ramming is a means for driving casing by utilizing pneumatic percussive blows to the end of a pipe, ‘ramming’ an open ended casing through the soils. The lead edge or cutting shoe provides the smallest of overcuts to reduce soil frictions, and to swallow soils rather than compacting is outside the pipe. In some applications no overcut may be developed to better minimize any concerns of void between the pipe and the exterior soil.

Ramming swallows obstructions, cobble and boulders, bursting them in place and mitigating concerns over void creation that mining boulders out of place may cause. The cutting shoe cracks the boulder in place, leaving pieces in-situ and thereby not creating a void.

At the conclusion of the ram, the spoil inside the casing is removed by and auger bore method. The continuous liner removes any concern over raveling as it provides a full support for the spoil removal operation.

When is Pipe Ramming the best Trenchless Solution?

Pipe ramming is effective in Type 3 and 4 soils where extensive dewatering is not practical or feasible. In cobble filled soils the method is also effective as it does not promote raveling or running soils that other trenchless methods may develop.

Earth Boring has found this a well suited solution and a favorite of the major railroads as it limits the potential for void development in 'bad' ground or unknown ground conditions.

Ramming swallows obstructions, cobble and boulders, bursting them in place and mitigating concerns over void creation that mining boulders out of place may cause. The cutting shoe cracks the boulder in place, leaving pieces in-situ and thereby not creating a void.

What are the alternatives to Pipe Ramming?

Generally pipe ramming is the alternative other trenchless methods look to deploy as part of risk mitigation strategy.

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